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1 Ply Smoke
This budget-friendly 1-ply film packs a surprising punch, including a beautiful smoke-grey shade and reliable heat rejection. Achieve both aesthetic results and excellent performance with one the best-value films on the market today. With weatherable polyester construction and a 2-year warranty, our 1-Ply Smoke is designed to last. If you have customers who want the most affordable window tinting services, this film is a must-have.
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Carbon Shield 1.5′ x 3′ Starburst Banner
Carbon Shield 24″ x 36″ Showroom Poster
Ceramic Cool
Practically invisible when installed, yet able to block a significant amount of infrared heat, Ceramic Cool is a spectrally selective film that’s ideal for both commercial and residential applications. Produced using advanced nano-ceramic technology, these films deliver impressive solar rejection without creating a dark or reflective appearance.
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Ceramic Dual Reflective
Day or night, Dual Reflective Ceramic delivers! These unique films reduce interior reflectivity for a clear view even at night and provide superior solar performance during the day. In addition, they’re compatible with most dual pane windows. No wonder Dual Reflective Ceramic is the choice of top dealers and designers for both residential and commercial applications.
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Ceramic IR 1.5′ x 3′ Starburst Banner
Ceramic IR 24″ x 36″ Showroom Poster
A simple poster can go a long way for your overall marketing strategy. Simply decorate one of your walls with one of these marketing products, and you can instantly make your shop seem more professional. Customers can also easily view these posters to check out the winning features of Ceramic IR – one of our best films.
Ceramic IR Plus 1.5′ x 3′ Starburst Banner
Ceramic IR Plus 24″ x 36″ Showroom Poster
Ceramic Xtreme
For the absolute best automotive window film in the business, choose Ceramic Xtreme. Consumers love it for its unsurpassed performance and good looks; dealers and installers love the way it handles. This metal-free, color-stable film is the top pick of tinting professionals and consumers alike.
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Ceramic Xtreme 1.5′ x 3′ Starburst Banner
Step up your marketing game with this Ceramic Xtreme banner. Your customers will be asking questions about this stellar new film in no time, and you know what that means – more services, and more business. Aside from all that, this is a great decoration for your shop that creates a truly professional vibe.
Ceramic Xtreme 24″ x 36″ Showroom Poster
If you can’t remember all of the features of our Ceramic Xtreme film, we don’t blame you. After all, there’s a lot to remember. Grab this handy poster, and you’ll never forget every little detail about this product. Better yet, you point your customers towards this poster for an easy way to describe why they should be tinting their vehicle with Ceramic Xtreme.